OFFICERS: President - Clive Taylor; 1st Vice President - Dana Gallup;
2nd Vice President - Valerie Panciera-Rieth; Secretary - Sierra Grace Manno;
Treasurer - Myron L. Bailey


BOARD MEMBERS: Manon Boulanger, Alex Bruno, Patti Clempson (Historian),
Robin Drulard (Communications), Jonathan Lorber, Clay Miller,
Jean Morford (Membership), Susan Ostheim (Volunteer Coordinator)
ALTERNATE: Fred Villiers Furze

VOLUNTEERS: Karen Albertson (Immediate Past President) Lecture Series Director
& Office Manager;
Mary Beth Busutil & Lesley Lee Yuen - Research Center Archivists


STAFF: Andy Ruffner - Executive Director;
Isa Swait - Graphic Design & Webmaster; Stephen Sarsfield - Videographer






Our yearly membership levels include:
Individual $25, Family $35, Supporter $80, Sponsor $100, Patron $500, Benefactor $1,000


Download our Membership FORM & include with payment
via PayPal below, Mailed Check, or Zelle
($1- processing fee added to PayPal)


Membership Levels




How can you be a part of events & activities at the Hollywood Historical Society?
Here's your chance!
We're looking for HHS Members to volunteer for our upcoming & continuing projects
Just fill out our Volunteer Online Form, Save, & email to "ostheims@yahoo.com"
Or – Print & Return your filled out Volunteer Form to any HHS Board Member
We'd love to have you on board!





Please contact us to see how you can help our historic community!


Phone: 954-923-5590 || email: HollywoodFLhistory@att.net
Hammerstein House & Research Center: 1520 Polk Street, Hollywood, FL 33020
*VISIT our Research Center, Tuesdays & Fridays 10am-2pm (Please phone ahead)*


To make payments via Zelle use "HollywoodFLhistory@att.net", Mail Checks to:
Hollywood Historical Society, P.O. Box 222755, Hollywood, FL 33022